
to-do list:

13/01/09 edit:

-- further exploration of a writing concept in which live speech is sampled and transposed to text; a form of journalism that involves natural setting and spontaneous interviewing, like a record producer coaxing with mood and atmosphere the perfect improvisational performance from a violinist for the album cut. this will likely evolve into an attempt to blur the literary gap between modern journalism and reality-based fiction.

-- film. mostly i have an idea for a cheap, slow movie with a vague plot and poetry monologues that has few cuts and spends a lot of time doing long landscape shots from a moving vehicle (the plot involves driving somewhere) of winter forest with quiet ambient echo soundtrack songs playing, two people are talking (perhaps the dialog is created using a method similar to the speech concept above) and going somewhere, the city fog turns to snowy trees, the forest lake turns to foggy moon, they never really go anywhere and blablabla i need to think of some action scenes

-- finish the acoustic album.

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