
          Suddenly, I have a strange and powerful urge to listen to Britney Spears. Wtf?

          There's always a way of looking at a thing that makes it appear to be something else. Squint your eyes at a crumpled cardboard box and you might see a dog.

          What you see may not be what everyone else sees. No thing is the same to every person. Just as no person is that same to the people observing that person. We all wear different pairs of glasses.
          This is why it is important to never be one person. One person, one persona, one personality; having only one can be crippling. Strength in numbers. The buddy system. Never travel alone. No one can make it far on their own, as it can lead only in a single direction, and therefore to stagnation and, eventually, utter entropy. Multiple pairs of eyes are necessary to notice the benefits or flaws that a lone pair of eyes may miss. This is not to say, however, that multiple bodies are necessary. We all have one body, but there is much more to a human than their body. A single mind is capable of functioning as two, three, perhaps even countless other minds at any given time. All it requires is ignorance--perhaps, depending on how you look at it, temporary erasure--of all subjective memory.

          A single opinion is worthless. It is opinions formulated with multiple perspectives based on varying past experience that have value.
          The trouble with shifting between mindsets within a single brain (dynamic thinking, or personality / perspective dynamicism) is that the initial, birth-given persona can be lost, perhaps even irretrievably. Since true dynamic memory requires removal--"forgetting"--of all other natural or created memories, tracing back to one's true identity becomes increasingly difficult. The "forgotten" memories are stored within an unconscious layer of the mind for later retrieval, like folders placed in a file cabinet. As the mind shifts further from the stored / forgotten memory, the more difficult it becomes to return to these memories.
          It is advisable to re-acess one's birth-given identity at least daily; this serves as a sort of reorganization of stored memory and identities. There have been cases in which individuals spreading out too far, too widely, with their dynamic memory experiments were unable to fully return to their original mindsets and thus became trapped believing they were someones they weren't; even after attempted memory reboot assistance and identity rehabilitation, these individuals could not return to their own lives. In the worst cases, dynamic memory users had completely worn out their brains' ability to identity-shift and were permanently left in the ambiguous mental state that is normally only accessed to shift between stored memories, and in turn became, essentially, empty bags of human flesh that, though technically alive and able to function on the most basic of levels, had no personality or intelligence. And far more horrifying, there have been in-depth studies that predict the possibility of... well, let's not get too into that just yet.

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