
good timing

When you fall asleep on the couch watching TV, listening to voices and advertisements and compressed music, that's when there's nothing left and it's time to go. If you don't go now then you may never be able to, because chances to escape come only every so often, only now and again, and the longer you wait to do something like uproot yourself from where you are planted and comfortable, to spread your wings and just dive into space and hope there's air to catch you, to reach out from behind your water curtain and touch something on the other side -- the longer you wait, the harder it is. Which isn't to say I'm no fan of waiting, or that I believe rushing into things is ever a good idea. Patience keeps one calm, collected, in control, ready. But there is a thin line between patience and procrastination, and it's often when you're waiting for the perfect moment (to talk to that person, to say something clever, to voice your opinion, to realize your goals, to create something you love, to love someone you create) that your opportunity flies right past you like a sign you didn't see on the freeway -- hey, hey man, you missed the exit.